Renowned Nollywood actor Pope Odonwodo, famously known as Junior Pope, met an untimely demise in a tragic accident during a movie shoot. The 39-year-old actor, along with three other unidentified actors, lost their lives when their boat capsized while crossing the River Niger.
Energetic and young nollywood actor, Junior Pope is dead
The actor and three of his colleagues were coming back from a movie location in a boat when they fell into Anam River in Anambra state. Their bodies have since been recovered
Pope shared a video of himself taken yesterday
— COALCITY CONNECT (@Coal__City) April 10, 2024
The heartbreaking news was confirmed by filmmaker Samuel Olatunji, who expressed condolences to the bereaved families and the entire Nollywood community. He revealed the harrowing details of the accident on Instagram, lamenting the loss and emphasizing the need for prayers and support during this difficult time.
He posted on Instagram, “Junior Pope Passes on 💔. Sad day for Nollywood.“Four actors including Jnr Pope fell into Anam River on their way to location and their bodies have been recovered. What a sad day for Nollywood. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family.“Multiple sources confirm this sad development to us.”
Junior Pope’s passing comes as a shock to many, as he was slated to celebrate his 40th birthday on May 7, 2024.
As the Nollywood fraternity mourns the loss of one of its talented stars, tributes pour in from fans, colleagues, and industry insiders, reflecting on Junior Pope’s contributions to the entertainment industry and offering condolences to his loved ones.
May his soul and the souls of the departed actors rest in peace.
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