Despite her film “A Tribe Called Judah” securing multiple nominations, including Best Movie and Best Lead Actress, at this year’s Africa Magic Viewers’ Choice Awards (AMVCA), Funke Akindele walked away empty-handed. However, the actress found solace in the outpouring of support from her peers and fans.
In the wake of the awards, which saw Akindele’s acclaimed movie lose out in various categories, fellow celebrities took to social media to uplift her spirits. Tayo Odueke commended Akindele’s masterpiece, affirming her ongoing success. Comedian Cute Abiola praised Akindele’s dedication and determination, while actress Bukunmi Oluwasina expressed her admiration.
Despite the disappointment, Akindele’s resilience shines through as she continues to garner praise for her remarkable talent and contributions to the Nigerian film industry.