Over the Easter weekend, Anambra State police officers detained an adult guy with a bag in Awada, Idemili North LGA. When the individual saw the police, he took off running and was pursued until he was apprehended and subdued. When the bag was checked, it was discovered to contain an AK-47 rifle with breech number 25008266. A search of the database revealed that it was not among the firearms charged to the Anambra State Command.
During interrogation, the suspect revealed that the weapon was obtained for a confrontation with a rival cult organisation. The Commissioner of Police in Anambra State, CP Aderemi Adeoye, while commending the police officers who made the recovery for their vigilance and determination, has directed that the investigation be broadened and deepened in order to bring all those involved in the arms trafficking to justice, including an alleged financier from abroad who provided funds for the purchase.
He has directed all Command personnel to re-dedicate themselves to crime prevention and detection for the sake of the people of the state.
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